Prep for upto 30 days in 15 minutes
Track your calories with our custom meal plans
Get your food delivered were you want
RightPrep is a meal management platform that allows you to easily pre plan your meal schedules and have them delivered at your door step. We focus on providing high quality meals, freshly made and served warm.
Select Signature meals and
Day Combos
Select the Dates, Time and
Quality meals prepared
3 times a day
Meals delivered at multiple locations. Update changes online
This is a tutorial, you can customise your Meal Prep to your own specifications using our robust Prepping systems.
I. Choose Meals and Packs | STEP 1: Start by selecting individual Meals and Packs, you can select both meals and packs in the same process. For this tutorial, Lets select Meal Packs first, then proceed to Day Combo, and finally Signature Meals. 14 days aprox. to 42 Meals. | STEP 2: Select 2 Meal Packs: 1 Breakfast (14 Meals) Pack and 1 Lunch/Dinner (14 Meals) pack. You may also add a Juice Pack and Snack Pack to enhance the week. For your Performance days, Select 1-2 Day Combo’s. You can select Yoga Day, Vegan Day, and many more. 1 | STEP 3: Select 2 - 3 Signature Meals - including juices, snacks, etc. This great if you are prepping for less days or if you simply want to try out something not included in the Packs. | Step 4: Open your Organiser to view selected Signature Meals, Day Combo’s and Meal Packs. Feel free to Add extra meals or packs into the Organiser, you will not be charged for item's added to Organiser. Click on ‘Proceed’4 |
II. Customise your Meal Prep | STEP 5: In Meal Prep Portal, you can select your Meal or Pack, assign Morning (M), Evening (E) or Night (N) slot, and Select the dates. Lets arrange Day Combo first, then Meal Packs and finally Signature Meals. Our Prep Calendar will display all entries for convenience. 4 | STEP 6: Arrange your Day Combo’s on your Performance Days - ex. Monday is Weight Training, try our Keto Day for Max Protein! M-E-N slot will be Predefined here. 4 | STEP 7: Start arranging the Meal Packs across dates. Breakfast Pack has 4 varieties, totalling 14 in number; arrange them across the 14 days you choose. Similarly, proceed to arranging Lunch/Dinner Packs. You should define E-Evening or N-Night to arrange in correct slots. 2 | STEP 8: Finally, input Signature Meals into other dates and slots to ensure you prep for whole 14 days. You may go back and Add few more goodies to your Organiser anytime, your Data will not be lost. 1 Once Meal Prep is over, proceed to ‘Next page’. 5 |
III. Assign your Delivery Preferences | STEP 9: In Delivery Prep Page, Prep Calender will show you which all dates and slots needs delivery. Lets arrange Week days first. Select ‘Morning - Home’, ‘Evening - Office’, ‘Night - Home’; and allot a delivery slot time. 6 Then Select all Week days from Mon - Fri and click on ‘Confirm’. 7 | STEP 10: Lets proceed for Weekends. Select Morning - Home, Evening - Home, Night - Club, and allot a delivery slot time. Then Select all Weekend days Sat-Sun and Click on Confirm. | STEP 11: You will see all dates and time slots are assigned with custom delivery addresses. Incase you wish to change any particular date, repeat the same process and select the particular date, the new delivery details will be updated. Once done, proceed to next Page. | STEP 12: Review your invoice and do the Payment. You can further go to Order Management in Profile Page to further review and edit future orders upto 1-day prior to delivery. This gives you flexibility to update changes on any of the 14 days you pre ordered -including postponding meals to different dates and even changing the delivery location to meet your updated preferences. |
1 Combo’s may vary from 2 - 3 times Meals a day.
2 Ensure you arrange every meal in a Meal Pack you start with.
3 you may leave dates and slots blank if you have other plans for the day!
4 Quantity is automatically updated as you prep.
5 You can see all entries on Prep Calender and Further edit below in Summary.
6 Input delivery addresses and Assign labels such as Home, Office, Club, etc
7 Incase any date slot you select does not have a meal entry, then that delivery entry will be discarded; this means we have made it easy for you!
We Offer You The Best Solution
Prep only for a Day, a Week or a Month
Fast & Efficiently
Arrange meals across Multiple Days and Locations!
Prep like a Pro with our Prep Calender scheduling system - Simple and Fast!
Assign time slots for different delivery locations
within minutes!
Update date, time, and delivery locations for all
future orders!
We got your Back!
You Focus on your Fitness